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The Law Offices of James A. Cuddy, LLC

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Call To Find Your Way Forward 203-583-8256

Direct, Honest And Fair Family Law Solutions

What to do if a parent refuses to follow the custody order?

Managing custody disputes becomes challenging when a parent refuses to follow a court-ordered custody arrangement. This creates stress and uncertainty for everyone involved, especially the children.

When faced with this situation, it is important to know your legal rights and understand what you can do to enforce the custody order.

Keep a detailed record

If the other parent refuses to follow the child custody order, start keeping a detailed record. Write down dates, times and descriptions of each incident. Include missed visitations, late arrivals and any communication issues. This record can help show a pattern of behavior and will be useful if you need to return to court.

Communicate calmly and clearly

Try to communicate with the other parent calmly and clearly. Remind them of the custody order and the importance of following it. Use written communication, such as emails or text messages. This way, you have a record of your attempts to resolve the issue. Avoid using angry or threatening language, as it can make the situation worse.

Seek mediation

Mediation can help parents resolve disputes without going back to court. With the assistance of a neutral mediator, both parents can discuss their issues and find a solution. This is often less stressful and quicker than a court battle. It also encourages cooperation between parents, which benefits the child.

File a motion for contempt

If the other parent still refuses to follow the custody order, you can file a motion for contempt with the court. This legal action asks the court to enforce the order. If the court finds the other parent in contempt, they might face fines, changes in the custody arrangement, or even jail time. This step should be a last resort, as it can escalate tensions.

Focus on the child’s well-being

Throughout this process, always focus on the child’s well-being. Keep their routine as normal as possible, and reassure them that both parents love them. Avoid speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child. Their emotional health should remain a top priority.

By following these steps, you can protect your child’s best interests and ensure that the custody order is properly enforced.